InnovixLabs Insights

Do Supplements Actually Have the Number of Pill...
When you buy supplements are you sure you're getting the number of pills the bottle says you are?
Do Supplements Actually Have the Number of Pill...
When you buy supplements are you sure you're getting the number of pills the bottle says you are?

3 Science-based Ways to Support Mood and Mental...
Here are three simple ways to help improve your mood...via your gut.
3 Science-based Ways to Support Mood and Mental...
Here are three simple ways to help improve your mood...via your gut.

Psychobiotics: probiotics for your mood
Psychobioics are probiotic bacteria that can influence mood and mental health - find out which strains have been studied for this benefit.
Psychobiotics: probiotics for your mood
Psychobioics are probiotic bacteria that can influence mood and mental health - find out which strains have been studied for this benefit.

Mood Health Plan - 10 Science-based Tips for De...
Depression and anxiety have multiple causes. Here are 10 science-based tips for improving depression and anxiety. Even small changes, can result in big improvements.
Mood Health Plan - 10 Science-based Tips for De...
Depression and anxiety have multiple causes. Here are 10 science-based tips for improving depression and anxiety. Even small changes, can result in big improvements.

5 Science-based Ways to Improve Your Gut Bugs
5 simple ways to improve your gut health (and the good probiotic bacteria within)
5 Science-based Ways to Improve Your Gut Bugs
5 simple ways to improve your gut health (and the good probiotic bacteria within)