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Mood Probiotic

Mood Probiotic

Targets the "gut-brain axis"

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  • Formulated with 15 billion live, active cultures
  • Helps support positive mood balance*
  • Gluten-free and non-GMO
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What is a “Mood Probiotic?”

Recent research shows that there is a strong two-way communication between the gut and the brain, often called the “gut-brain axis.” This supports a close connection between digestive health and mood, which you may have already perceived. A “mood probiotic” is simply a supplement containing a select group of probiotic bacteria that have been studied for their effect on brain function. These bacteria are sometimes called “psychobiotics.”

Why Supplement With a Mood Probiotic?

With modern diets, it can be difficult to cultivate and maintain microbiome diversity that’s sufficient to prevent conditions like “leaky gut” (which happens when the epithelial layer of the small intestine is compromised). Introducing select ‘psychobiotic’ strains may help reduce the establishment of bad bacteria and promote better communication via the gut-brain axis.*

What Should I Look For in a Mood Probiotic?

This is an area of intense research and scientific focus. While there are many strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, the most rigorously tested psychobiotics to date are Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell-52ND and Bifidobacterium longum Rosell-175. These may help you*:

  • Cope better in stressful situations
  • Ease digestive discomfort associated with stress
  • Support positive mood and emotional wellness

Why Consider InnovixLabs Mood Probiotic?

The two specific strains used in this formula – Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell-52ND and Bifidobacterium longum Rosell-175 have been used in 7 human clinical trials. The science has been vetted by the Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD), the regulatory agency for natural health products in Canada, with approved health claims (NPN 80021343/March 2016).

"My attitude in general improved and has consistently been much better since taking this product. I truly believe that these probiotics perform as intended, and then some."

Charles S. Texas

Eggs, corn, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat/gluten, sugar, GMO, yeast, Chinese ingredients, artificial colors, or flavors.


Take 1-2 capsules per day with a meal.

Store at or below 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 C) at all times. Store in a dry place, avoid exposure to high heat and/or moisture. Refrigeration is not necessary but may help maintain high bacteria count. Formulated to provide 15 billion live cultures at time of manufacture and guaranteed at least 3 billion live cultures at expiry date if stored at or below 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 C) at all times. Improper storage conditions may reduce efficacy and/or potency of formula.

In clinical studies, those who noticed an effect, required a month of regular use. Individual results varied in the clinical studies. Your results may vary due to multiple reasons: 1) severity of imbalance in gut bacteria (gut dysbiosis), 2) consistency of product use, 3) improper storage conditions, 4) if poor mood health causes are unrelated to gut health or a combination of the above factors. Published results are averages. Effect of higher doses were not studied. Improper storage conditions may reduce efficacy and/or potency of formula.

If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any other supplements of medications, talk to your doctor before use. Not recommended for use by people under the age of 18. If you experience any adverse reaction, discontinue use and contact your doctor.

May contain trace amounts of soy and milk used in the fermentation process. Made in a facility and processed on shared equipment that handles dairy, soy, and gluten. Individuals extremely sensitive to these ingredients should consult a physician prior to using this product.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Questions & Answers

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  • During the clinical trials outlined by the methods section the probiotics were microencapsulated(ME). This has proposed up to 10x the survivability rate of various strains. Is this formulation microencapsulated? Alan

    Hi Alan – yes, the clinical studies were performed with the microencapsulated version of the strains. The reason for microencapsulation was not solely to protect the strains from stomach acid, but rather to provide ‘on-the-go’ convenience in a sachet. There is a minor level of stomach acid protection from the microencapsulation, but this effect is small and temporary. But all in all, participants in the studies took a dose of 3 billion cfu/daily intake of both strains in a specific ratio. We have kept same dosage (3 billion cfu/capsule) with same ratio in the capsule, and it is recommended to take the formula during meals, to ensure better survival of the strains (the meal plays a buffering role). Taking one version or the other, you will still ingest the same dose of bacteria. Additionally, there are 7 in vivo studies to better understand the modes of action of the formula and strains (as per attached document) and all studies were performed with non-microencapsulated strains. The end-result (health outcome) were the same. - InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • What is the recommendation regarding taking Mood Probiotics with other probiotics (such as from Udo’s Choice – 90 billion, etc)? Janice

    Hi Janice – you can take the Mood Probiotic along with other probiotics products. InnovixLabs Magnesium, Omega-3, and Prebiotic fiber all support mood health as well. - InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Resistance to stomac acid is a critical cretaria for choosing a good probiotic. Are the probiotic strain used in mood probiotic (Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell-52ND and Bifidobacterium longum Rosell-175) stomac acid resistant strains? Why is it not in delayed release capsule to further protect it from stomac acid until it reaches the intestines. Even when taken with a meal, what percentage of the probiotic do you think will survive stomac acidity. Simeon

    Hi Simeon – the two Rosell strains are licensed from the Rosell Institute (Lallemand) based on their research and published clinical studies. In their studies, they used the strains without additional stomach acid protection. The strains have some natural built-in acid resistance. However, we agree with you that if there was additional acid protection in the form of acid-resistant capsules etc., the results may possibly have been even better. Since the clinical studies DID NOT use additional acid-protection, we are required use the same delivery formats used in the clinical study if we wish to make the same health claims. To your question about what percent survives stomach acid if taken with a meal, we do not have a clear answer, but ‘several million’ appears to be accurate. It is possible that the health outcome noticed in the clinical studies are due to just the millions (rather than the billions) of colonies. It is also possible that once established in the gut, these bacteria can be ‘fed’ or ‘fertilized’ with prebiotic fibers into not just billion but trillions in very short order. We do not have a clinical study to show that these two strains taken in combination with prebiotic fibers demonstrate an even greater health benefit. So, it remains a hypothesis. Having said that, our knowledge of the microbiome is in its infancy. There is new evidence that even small DNA fragments from dead strains are capable of influencing health outcomes. This is emerging science and we are staying tuned. - InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Hi. On Amazon the photo of the box says 15 billion. On here it shows 3 billion. Which is it? Joe

    Hi Joe – both numbers are on the current package. There will be a minimum of 15 billion live cultures at time of manufacture and as the product naturally ages, the live culture count will naturally lower to 3 billion at time of expiration. The health claims attached to the product are based on 3 billion live cultures. - InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • You say you are using palm oil. As an animal activist I have obvious concerns about the use of palm oil unless it is harvested in a way that causes no harm to animals or the environment (Dr. Bronners products are a great example of humane practices for the use of palm oil.) Where do you harvest your palm oil and is it harvested in a way that protects the animals and the environment? C

    Hi C – this is an issue near and dear to our company founder. He’s an environmentalist and has spent a lot of time making sure that the ingredient we use are gentle on the environment. We use certified sustainable palm products, but even when no harm is done to wildlife, palm oil culture is a monoculture (one species) and lacks biodiversity to sustain multitude of creatures. So we are investigating other, friendlier ingredients. - InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • In reply to InnovixLabs. According to, they say: “Taking a probiotic supplement made up of multiple strains of bacteria can have increased effectiveness through an additive or synergistic effect of the individual strains, compared with mono-species supplements. However, some probiotics may work in an antagonistic manner, so combinations of strains should be studied both individually and in combination before creating a multispecies product.” — So how are we to know for sure if taking other probiotic supplements alongside Mood Probiotics will be beneficial or worse? Joseph

    Hi Joseph – if there is any antagonistic behavior (one species thrives in the capsule while some others perish) between strains, it is usually in the capsule. Once the capsule has been consumed, the strains have to contend with hundreds of species in our gut. Within the capsule itself, the strains in Mood Probiotic are not known to be antagonistic towards each other. - InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Hi. Is the Mood Probiotic Vegan? If not, what is it that make's it not vegan? Thank you!

    Hi Anthony,

    It is not vegan. The culturing of the probiotics requires dairy. You may have noticed the name of the probiotic, 'Lactobacillus' has the prefix 'lacto.' This is in reference to dairy. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • I read it was important to take probiotics with filtered or purified water because the chlorine in tap water will reduce effectiveness. Is this true?

    Hi WS,

    We don't think you will notice reduced effectiveness due to chlorine in tap water.

    Here are the reasons why:

    1) If you take the probiotic with food (as the label suggests), the food will act as a buffer. The trace amounts of chlorine will be easily overwhelmed by the food. 
    2) The stomach acid-resistant capsules will remain intact for a while. By the time the capsule dissolve there will not be any chlorine left. 
    3) We usually add a big 'overage' of mood probiotic strains, above and beyond what is required for noticeable benefits, so even if say 10% of the strains are killed by chlorine, the remaining 90% will still be well above what you need to notice benefits. 

    Having said all that, installing a water filter (that is regularly serviced by cartridge replacement) is a good idea. It will help reduce a variety of pollutants that may be in the water supply. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Will the probiotics survive if I open the capsule and sprinkle in food? It turns out that 15 B CFU is too much for me to handle all at once. I was miserable. Asking Again…

    Hi Dawn,

    Sorry to hear that the product was a bit too potent for your system.

    Most probiotics will survive the opening of the capsule and sprinkling on foods, as long as the foods are not hot. 

    We generally talk people away from opening the capsule and sprinking the contents over doods...but if the goal of doing this is to reduce the number of live probiotics reaching the gut, then, yes, this will do the trick. 

    Let us know how this works and if you have any other questions. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • On the homepage of "Cerebiome" it´s said that you should look for products listing explicitly "Cerebiome" as ingedient. I can´t find this label anywhere on your homepage rather than on the product. And i´m a bit irritated about the strains name "Rosell-52ND" as on the homepage of "Cerebiome" the strain is called just "Rosell-52". So, does your product contain the original "Cerebiome"?

    Hi Tom,

    Yes, this product contains the one and only Cerebiome.

    The formula is owned by Lallemand/Rosell Institute. This formula is licensed from them. Since the strains and its cultivation are highly proprietary, the two probiotics in the formula are cultured and encapsulated by Lallemand/Rosell Institute. 

    The strain designations 'Rosell-52ND' and 'Rosell-52' are both the same thing referred to by similar but different names. Our packaging and website will officially begin referring to Cerebiome sometime towards the end of 2022. 

    Hope this addresses some of your concerns. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • I’ve started taking Paxil, once a day with breakfast and Ativan 0.5mg when my anxiety upsets my stomach preventing me from eating too much. Can this probiotic be safely taken and when? Would it even help me at this?

    Hi James,

    You may take this product with virtually all medications and foods. There are no known contraindications. 

    The best time to take probiotic is with a meal. The reason for this is that foods blunt the acid exposure probiotics have to endure in the stomach. 

    Will the product help you? That's impossible to say...and that's because each one of us have a unique (thumbprint like) microbiome. Therefore, it is difficult to predict how the two strains in the formula will aid your existing microbiome.

    And each of us have different root causes for mood disturbance, be it physical or emotional trauma, hormonal imbalance, poor diet, inflammation, and gut microbiome imbalance. We don't know your situation and so, it's impossible to say. If your mood issues are related to gut microbiome, then, the likelihook of the product helping is high. 

    More on this here:

    Hope it helps. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Does the Mood Probiotic also aid in more "typical" uses of a probiotic (such as digestion, and inflammation), or do you recommend pairing this with another probiotic to target digestion?

    Hi Paula,

    Mood Probiotics may provide some benefits for digestion and inflammation. However, existing reserach has been solely focused on mood, stress, and gut-brain effects. We have quite a bit of evidence that it helps with mood, but we have limited published science that this formula helps with digestion or inflamamtion. 

    It is VERY hard to separate mood health from gut health because they are so connected. Most people with mood issues also struggle with gut problems and vice versa. This is because the brain and gut are so strongly connected. Based on this, you may guess that there is SOME unstudied digestive benefit, but we cannot say that with confidence because there is no firm scientific evidence. 

    In science lingo, this is called 'Absence of proof, not proof of absence.'  

    Sorry - that's probably not the clearcut answer you were looking for. However, if you notice benefits other than mood, please let us know. We'd love to hear about it.

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Will there be any change in effectiveness if I remove the powder from the capsules and mix it into a drink? I would like to give it to my son, but he's too young to be able to swallow pills. Thank you

    Hi Anna,

    You are likely to have a slight drop in effectiveness because the capsule offers some protection against stomac acid, which you will lose when you mix the contents of the capsule into a drink. Some of the probiotics will certainly make it to the gut and provide benefits, but it's difficult to say how effective it will be. 

    Also, please read this document, our Mood Health Plan:

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Is the magnesium stearate derived from animals or vegetable?

    Hi Yehudis,

    The magnesium stearate is made from vegetables. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • 2 Questions: Q1) If I am taking it with meal, is it okay if I remove the capsule and ingest the contents with my meals? Q2) Will not taking this continuously lead to too much of two strains and hence dysbiosis? Thank You

    Hi Pete,

    Great questions!

    You may pour out the contents of the capsule and take as a powder, but please keep in mind that the capsule provides some protection against stomach acid. If you remove the capsule and consume the powdered contents within, then you risk exposing the probiotic strains to a lot more stomach acid. In other words, fewer live organisms may reach the intestines, where the probiotics are needed. It'll may be effective, but the efficacy will likely be diminished. 

    As for continuous use causing dysbiosis - your question sounds logical, but most probiotics are transient. In other words, they remain in your gut for a couple of weeks and then slowly shed. So, there is no build up of these two strains. They will fill a niche in the gut ecosystem while present and while doing so, strengthen the gut-brain axis and help with mood. The two strains will not push out or outcompete the hundreds (hopefully thousands!) of strains in the gut. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • I live in Florida and am concerned that the heat (while being in the delivery truck) will destroy the product. I am home to receive the package so it won’t sit out in the heat all day, but am concerned about the heat during delivery. Is there any way to order in a gold pack? Please advise.

    Hi Dawn,

    This is a good question. The three types of environmental issues you need to worry about are:

    1) Extreme temperature exposure like being left in a locked car in the middle of the day in summer, when temps inside the car can easily get close 140F. This will certainly harm the live cultures. This is extremely unlikely to happen because delivery vehicles are either air conditioned or have air circulation due to movement. 

    2) Warm temps for extended periods of time, like storing in a hot warehouse for months on end. We don't do this. The product is stored at refrigerated temps (40F) in our warehouse. The 2 or 3 days it takes to ship the product to you is not damaging enough to decrease the potency of the product. Besides, we add an overage into the product - even though the label says 3 billion, we add 15 billion into each capsule. All clinical studies are based on 3 billion. Even if the product is somewhat exposed to warm weather, you will have more than 3 billion live cultures at time of consumption. 

    3) Storage in high humidity conditions - given you are in Florida, this is the factor most likely to harm the product over the long term, especially if you have opened but have not finished the product in a few months. 

    As for shipping with cold/ice packs...we don't have that option to do that in our shipping warehouse. We've looked into it. It will almost double the cost of the product to ship it cold and we've found that the marginal benefit is not worth the added cost. 

    Hope this gives you some insight into the matter. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Does this require refrigeration while in transit? (Especially right now with crazy heat everywhere this summer!) Thank you.

    Hi Jennifer,

    This is a question we get a lot between June and August every year. 

    No, shipping does not require refrigeration. These two strains are capable of thriving at human body temperature. So, normal human body temp (98-99 F) will not immediately kill the strains. That's the short answer. 

    However, prolonged storage at that same temperature, without the nourishment the human gut provides, will cause the potency to drop from the 15 billion active cultures we put into each capsule. All clinical studies were done on 3 billion live cultures, so the benefits claimed on the packaging can still be realized even with a drop from 15 billion to 3 billion. 

    If you live in Phoenix and you leave the product in a hot mailbox or a parked car in the middle of the day in mid-summer for several hours, then the product probably ought to be tossed. Even if you live in Minneapolis, if you think your product will sit in a hot mail box for more than 3 or 4 hours before you can get to it, we suggest you get your probiotics shipped to an air-conditioned office or another residence where someone will be able to collect it from the mail person directly. 

    We store the product in a refrigerated warehouse. This is just to prolong the shelf life and to make sure the product has close to 15 billion live cultures that we put into each capsule. Even if the product has 5 or 10 billion at time of consumption, it will work. And by 'work', we mean gut-related mood issues in persons with sensitive or irritabel gut. Of course, if mood issues are caused by other nutritional deficiencies, psychological or physical causes, then probiotics are unlikely to help. Generally, 8 out of 10 customers who take this product seem to really like it. And that's the long answer. 

    Hope that helped. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • is there a reason it is suggested that this product be taken with or after a meal? please see abstract below that recommends taking before or during a meal. It uses some of the same strands in this formulation. Please advise.

    Hi Ting - our definition of 'with a meal' is immediately before, during, or immediately after. The idea is that the presence of food will aid in protecting from stomach acid, helping the probiotics get to the intestines intact.

  • can I take this with a multivitamin/mineral supplement?

    Hi Ting - yes, you may take with a multivitamin.

  • Is this product CFUC colony forming units?

    Hi Tom, yes, the product is designed to have 3 billion CFU (colony forming units) by the expiration date, assuming it is stored according to instructions. It is, however, formulated with 15 billion CFU...or put another way, that's how much is put into each capsule at time of manufacture. This number will gradually decrease from 15 billion to 3 billion over the life of the product.  It is normal for probiotic products to decrease in potency over time. This is why the products are overfilled (also known as overage) to provide the minimum effective dose used in clinical studies. 

  • The capsules can be opened to dissolve conyents in water or juice?

    The capsule should not be opened for Mood Probiotic.

    The capsule provides some protection from stomach acid.

    You should not mix this product with water or juice.

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Hello, For a person with anxiety and IBS-D. Will it help this probiotic also for the IBS-D? Thanks

    Hi Rene,

    Mood health and gut health seem very closely linked. It is rare to find a person with mood issues who also does not have gut issues. Your question is a perfect example. Having said that, this formula has not been studied for IBS-D benefits. So, we cannot confidently state that it will help you with IBS-D. 

    Here is what we know based on published research and having talked to a lot of our customers: you will need a disciplined and multi-pronged approach. Hopefully you're already working with an Integrative medicine MD who specializes in gut health. They can help you optimize your diet (a whole foods diet that focuses on protein and a very wide variety of vegetables, nuts, berries while avoiding sugar, grains, flour, and alcohol), movement (exercise may be more powerful than most supplements or drugs in managing mood health), respecting circadian rhythm and sleep discipline, optimizing Vitamin D3 and Magnesium levels, the right prebiotic and probiotic supplements etc. 

    There is no one pill that can fix anxiety or IBS-D. It will have to be multiple things like the ones listed above. 

    Let us know if you have any other questions. 

    Take care, 
    InnovixLabs Customer Care

  • Hola, tengo 7 días tomándolo y siento dispepsia y sentimientos depresivos... pero también a ratos me siento muy bien... Es normal? Hello, I have been taking it for 7 days and I feel dyspepsia and depressive feelings... but I also feel very good at times... Is it normal?

    La depresión y la dispepsia no son efectos secundarios conocidos de este producto.
    Si esto continúa, le sugerimos que deje de tomar el producto. Sospechamos que puede haber varios factores que contribuyen a estos síntomas. Si aún no ha hablado de esto con su médico, hágalo.Depression and dyspepsia are not known side effects of this product.

    If this continues, we suggest you stop taking the product. We suspect that there may be several factors contributing to these symptoms. If you have not already discussed this with your doctor, please do so.

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Will these help with insomnia? I read that these two specific strands were tested to help with sleep quality and quantity.

    Some people report that it helps with sleep, but we do not have clear scientific evidence that it helps with sleep.

    For sleep health, we still recommend the following:

    1. 10-15 minutes of morning sunlight
    2. No devices or TV or bright light at least two hours before bed.
    3. Strict and same bed time daily
    4. Keep bedroom free of devices, especially anything emitting blue light.
    5. Keep bedroom cool (65-68F)
    6. Do not eat anything 3 hours before bed.
    7. Eat and exercise in the early and middle parts of the day
    8. Supplement with Magnesium, Ashwagandha, Glycine, Inositol, and Saffron extract. Or a any affordable combination of the above.
    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Do the cultures survive the heat of overseas shipping? Can they be made into yogurt?

    Hi Jennie - it depends on where you are overseas. If you're in Canada or Europe, there should be minimal drop in live culture count. However, if you're in a tropical or warm area with slow delivery or transportation, there is no way to know how the product was handled or how hot it got. We have no way of knowing if it was left out in the tropical sun. 

    No, the cultures cannot be made into yogurt. Yogurt requires a separate set of bacterial strains. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • I am noticing these making me feel more depressed which is really unfortunate, is there any chance that could pass if I continue, or is it possible these just don’t work for me?

    Hi Timothy,

    Sorry to hear that it's not working as hoped. 

    This is not that unusual with probiotics that work by targeting the gut-brain connection. In studies, 7 or 8 out of 10 people noticed benefits when they used it consistently for a month. But even in the studies, they had 2 or 3 out of 10 that did not notice much improvement. 

    This is simply how probiotics work...because each of us has a fingerprint-unique microbiome and trying to nudge it may or may not always work. 

    Also, if the root cause of your mood issues is not gut related, then probiotics may not help. Some of the easier-to-rule-out causes are dietary and nutritional deficiencies. Deficiencies of a whole host of nutrients can cause mood issues. Besides nutrients, there may be circarian rhythm disruption. There may be chronic inflammation. There may be physical or emotional trauma. There may be thyroid malfunction. Many of these causal factors have nothing to do with gut microbiome. 

    From what our customers say and the sheer number or repeat customers, it must be working for many. But we're all unique and mood disturbances are just as unique. 

    Our suggestion is to work with a Integrative Medicine MD near you who can help you get to the root cause by eliminating potential causes one by one. 

    Hope this gives you some guidance on what to approach next. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

  • Hi, I noticed that the product is not recommended for those under age of 18. My son (17 years old) have taken this for a number of months. Is there any reason for that, and what are the potential risks with that?

    Hi Ming,

    The age restriction is a legal one, not science or health related. If your son is doing well on it and his doctor approves the use, feel free to continue. There is no known risk to his using the product. 

    InnovixLabs Customer Service

Customer Reviews

Based on 60 reviews
Debby W. (California)

I made yogurt using this product, following the instructions in Supergut book. It turned out very good, kind of a sweet taste.

Patricia C. (Michigan)

I’m convelesissing from a broken hip I’m just not up to a “review” at this time, sorry!

Margit M. (Georgia)
Great in-depth tests

The tests went deeper and were more informative than anything I’ve ever seen.

Kristi T. (New Jersey)
Seems to be helping nicely!

Seems to be helping nicely! No side affects!

Angelica V. (Arizona)
Half Empty Pills

I received my mood probiotics pills and noticed the pill container was about half way filled up. As well, as varying volume in each pill. What a joke! Not buying ever again.

Kriz (Wisconsin)

Seems to be helping after ~ a month. Shipping was fast ~2-3 days but product bottle was warm to touch on arrival from delivery soon after arrival to door. I don’t know if that will affect efficacy.

CHAIM B. (New York)
Excellent Product

Love the mood probiotic. I can feel the difference

Michelle M. (Oregon)

Making homemade super yogurt with it !

Michelle H. (Texas)
They work!

I read about the Mood Probiotic in a study in which these particular strains of probiotics were found to be effective. I’ve been ordering these for months now and have been very pleased with the results. I experience more calm and a general feeling of well-being. My daughter thinks they help her sleep better. Not that they make us sleepy, but they promote a relaxed state that improves sleep quality and quantity. I recommend giving them a try as an alternative to pharmaceuticals. I’ve realized that relief doesn’t always have to come from inside a prescription bottle. Sometimes the answer is truly as simple as correcting a vitamin deficiency or taking proven supplements like these!

John (New Jersey)
My FAVORITE "mood" Probiotic

I have done lots research on the best "mood" probiotics with these 2 strands and this one is THE CLEAR WINNER. Its fairly priced and doesn't give you any negative side effects. I felt it instantly after taking the first one and now take it daily along with my other vitamins. You cant go wrong with INNOVIX as they have GREAT customer service so never be scared to order they will communicate with you if you have any issues