Are you getting enough Magnesium?

Are you getting enough Magnesium?

Health benefits of Magnesium

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When’s the last time you tossed yourself a spinach salad? Be honest …. If the answer is sometime between last Tuesday and the last solar eclipse, you’re probably not getting enough of an uber-imperative mineral. That is …. Magnesium.

Hold it, hold it...we don’t want you to come undone with this news.

There are scads of people like you out there. Need proof? One government survey found about half of all Americans fall short of the recommended amount of magnesium. And if you’re an older American, you might want to look away now. Roughly 70% of those over 70 don’t meet their daily requirements.

That makes for a monstrously magnesium-lean country.

Are you surprised?

With our affinity for fast food and a severe dearth of produce on our plates, it should come as no shock that we’re all a little lacking in the magnesium column.

The best magnesium rich foods are:

  • dark green leafy vegetables like spinach
  • nuts
  • peas
  • beans

    Magnesium Matters

    Magnesium packs a punch.

    The body needs the powerhouse mineral to perform more than 300 biochemical processes. Without it, we can’t produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the gas that powers every cell in the body.

    Magnesium provides a wide range of heart-healthy benefits, supports a healthy immune system, helps muscles relax and contract in the right way, and supports healthy bones and teeth.*

    And, when combined with a healthy diet and exercise plan, magnesium may help maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels.*

    Are you getting enough magnesium?

    The Recommended Daily Allowance for magnesium is:

    • 400 to 420 mg for men 
    • 310 to 320 mg for women

      So, what should you do to make sure you get enough of this mighty mineral?

      First off, pile your plate high with a variety of whole foods like green leafies, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fortified cereals, and dairy products.

      And keep plenty of high-magnesium foods on the menu. For example, all of these foods contain at least 50 mg of magnesium:

      • 1 ounce dry roasted almonds
      • half-cup cooked spinach
      • half cup cooked black beans

      In addition to a healthy diet, you may want to consider magnesium supplements.

      Since current industrial farming methods have done a number on our soils, vegetables are depleted of much of the good stuff. So even if your diet is picture perfect, you may not be getting the magnesium you need from diet alone.


      Stuff that must be said:

      We sell magnesium supplements on this website. It goes without saying (but we’ll say it anyway) that we do not make any claim that taking our magnesium supplement will stabilize your mood, improve sleep, cure muscle cramps, or keep your blood sugar and/or blood pressure healthy. All of those things are only possible if you combine supplementation with a healthy diet and exercise plan along. 

      Supplements may help, but supplements alone will not restore you to complete health. We think supplements are a small piece of the health puzzle. You cannot outrun a bad diet and inactivity with pills. Most of the heavy lifting involved in restoring your health will have to come from you in the form of healthy eating and lifestyle corrections. In these articles, we are merely sharing our excitement about nutritional science and doing our best to translate dense science into easy-to-read English. We geek out on nutrition science and we think you will too. We hope it makes you a more informed consumer. Our Legal Dept says the same thing in Legalese at the bottom of this page. Enjoy.

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